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Basics of the VII Certificate of Cortometrajes Escolares 2024

24th Lanzarote International Film Festival.



1. Registration is free and all alumni of Primaria, E.S.O., Bachillerato can participate.

2. All films are accepted, although they are in the original format of production, and some of the video formats will only be Mp4 (H264) or MOV. The projection resolution will be 1920x1080 and the minimum recommended archival resolution will be 2 Gigabytes.

3. In this convocation only you can present the objects realized in 2023 and 2024. We do not accept obras presented in previous years.

4. These will last for a maximum of 10 minutes including credits.

5. The work may be carried out in any general way: documentary, fiction, report, interview, periodical information, video clips, publicity, animation, etc.

6. The subject of the transaction will be free, but will not be accepted by anyone who attempts to counter the integrity of other people, is due to their motives of generosity, raza or religion.

7. Alumnos can carry out their training with the help of their professors.

8. Habrá dos categorías:         A) Primaria        B) ESO/Bachillerato.

9. Participants in all categories may receive an unlimited number of measurements.

10. All work must include a head with the Festival logo. (The head will be placed at the disposal of educational centers)


11. The registration and entry period will be finalized on May 10, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.

12. Registration will be carried out exclusively through the ON LINE process and the participant will be required to submit the following correspondence:, in addition to completing all the information required in the registration form.

13. The copy returned to this registration will be the final and definitive copy of the cortometraje. In case of selection, we will not accept new versions of the cortometraje presented.


14. Of all the jobs received, a committee designated by the organization will carry out a selection in advance of a maximum of 30 cortometrajes. The decisions of the selection committee will be irrevocable.

15. The organization will communicate to all participants personally and in writing (with the electronic contact link sent during registration) as a result of the official selection on May 14, 2024.

16. The selected cortometrajes will be projected at the awards gala on May 19, 2024 at the Multicines Atlántida Theater.


17. To determine the organizers, the organization will designate a jury that will be composed of very integrated vinculados with the ambito of culture and cinema.

18. The jury will be designated a week before the committee's decision and the decisions of the mismo will be incontestable.

19. The jurado may declare desierto the premium.


20. Only you have a unique category by category, but the Jurado may designate one or more special mentions for each of them.

21. The cortometraje ganador en cada de las secciones recibirá el premio.


22. All the works received, they are not included in the Festival archives.

23. Producers and directors authorize the use of fragments of selected items (maximum 1 minute), for broadcast of the Festival in any medium of communication.

24. The producers and directors of the selected works authorize the use of the objects to be exhibited in the different sections of the Festival if the organization considers it opportune.

25. The presentation of the object in the places placed assumes the acceptance of these bases.

26. Whatever may arise from the interpretation of these bases will be the result of the Festival Organization.

27. The organization is compromised and obliges that the data of personal character lost in the file of data of the participants, will be processed in accordance with article 12 of the Ley Orgánica 15/1999, of 13 of December, of Protection of Data of Personal Character (LOPD).

28. The organization guards the decision to modify the Festival activities, to cancel or suspend partially or completely the exhibition of the selected works and the activities that are canceled during the mismo for the cause of major failure.

29. The organization reserves the right to change some of the questions presented in these bases, due to major reasons, depending on the current health situation.

30. The clips presented must be completely original and unpublished, both in terms of images and music that can be used. The organization is not responsible for possible infringements of copyright material that may incur the projects presented.

31. La organization del Certamen brindará Soporte Técnico a di



Calle México 69. Arrecife



+34 645 557 990

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